Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 6.647.373 (33.)
Tribe: CR0M

Villages (83) Coordinates Points
001 House that Stroud built
531|531 10.301
002 Stand by Me
529|529 10.301
532|524 10.301
533|524 10.301
005 Raging Bull
526|532 10.301
006 Gone with the Wind
529|532 10.301
007 One Flew Over Cuckoo Nest
526|534 10.301
008 Lawrence of Arabia
532|531 10.301
009 Unforgiven
530|531 10.301
010 Mad Maggie
529|530 10.301
011 Arms Dealer
537|534 10.301
012 Case485's village
530|529 10.301
530|527 10.301
014 Wolo
533|523 10.301
015 Ferndale
536|535 10.301
017 12 Angry Men
539|535 10.301
018 The Old Friend
540|535 10.301
019 Rebirth
542|534 10.301
020 Mount Olympus
541|533 10.301
021 The Searchers
542|536 10.301
022 A Clockwork Orange
540|534 10.301
023 My Fair Lady
540|536 10.301
024 The Best Years of Our Lives
537|535 10.301
025 Apocalypse Now
536|533 10.301
026 Amadeus
537|533 10.301
027 Ben Hur
537|532 10.301
532|526 10.301
029 It's a Wonderful Life
534|527 10.301
030 Psycho
532|525 10.301
031 Texas Traditions
539|532 10.301
032 On the Waterfront
547|561 10.301
033 Sunset Blvd
549|552 10.301
034 Chinatown
548|558 10.301
035 Big Trouble Little China
538|530 10.301
036 Daddy's House
535|533 10.301
037 Gladiator
549|551 10.301
038 A Philadelphia Story
548|559 10.301
039 Crash
545|560 10.301
040 American Psycho
548|561 10.301
041 Good Will Hunting
546|557 10.301
042 Traffic
546|558 10.301
043 Blow
549|556 10.301
044 Independence Day
545|557 10.301
045 The Expendables
547|562 10.301
046 The Lost Boys
545|552 10.103
496|511 10.301
047 Daylight
543|557 10.301
048 The Ghost and the Darkness
548|557 10.301
049 The Patriot
542|562 10.301
050 The Thing
547|557 10.301
051 Apollo 13
541|561 10.301
052 Signs
547|552 10.301
053 Aliens
541|562 10.301
054 Braveheart
542|564 10.301
055 Full Metal Jacket
542|565 10.301
056 A Beautiful Mind
542|563 10.301
057 Star Wars
528|556 10.301
058 Empire Strikes Back
524|533 10.301
059 Return of the Jedi
546|552 10.301
060 Phantom Menace
527|557 10.301
061 Attack of the Clones
530|555 10.301
062 Revenge of the Jedi
525|572 10.301
063 Rogue One
524|574 10.301
064 Fight Club
524|575 10.301
065 Law Abiding Citizen
513|571 10.301
066 Along Came a Spider
511|572 10.301
067 Charlottes Web
512|568 10.301
068 Casino
512|569 10.301
471|523 10.301
471|524 10.301
071 Seven
479|524 10.301
469|523 10.301
470|523 10.301
468|524 10.301
474|522 10.301
472|526 10.301
482|526 10.301
484|524 10.301
480|525 10.301
483|518 10.301
511|569 10.301
480|523 10.301
083 Godfather III
481|522 10.301
Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 34 with your tribe Disney hits the US.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 51 with your tribe The Betrayed.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 57 with your tribe Lizard Squad.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 63 with your tribe Army Of The Dead.

Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Gold - Level 4)

While supporting other villages, lose 100.000 of your units.

Plunderer (Gold - Level 4)

Plunder resources from other villages 10.000 times.

Leader (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat a total of 1.000.000 enemy units.

Nobles Faith (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat 100 noblemen in battle.

Robber (Silver - Level 3)

Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.

Self-attack (Silver - Level 3)

Attack yourself and lose more than 1.000 units in one battle.

Successful noble claims (Silver - Level 3)

Conquer 50 claimed villages.

Wallbreaker (Silver - Level 3)

Destroy 2.500 Wall levels using your rams.

Conquest (Bronze - Level 2)

Conquer a total of 50 villages.

Demolisher (Bronze - Level 2)

Destroy 250 building levels using catapults.

Master of the Battlefield (Bronze - Level 2)

Completely destroy 250 hostile armies.

Reliable Commander (Bronze - Level 2)

Support other players 100 times in battles.

Scout Hunter (Bronze - Level 2)

Defeat 50 scouting attacks.

The Warlord (Bronze - Level 2)

Attack 25 different players

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)

Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.

Beloved Friend (Wood - Level 1)

Make a total of 5 friendships.

Growth achievements
Librarian (Gold - Level 4)

Discover 12 unique Skill Books.

Paladin's level (Gold - Level 4)

Level up your paladin to level 30.

Recruitment Drive (Gold - Level 4)

Recruit a total of 1.000.000 units!

Accomplished student (Silver - Level 3)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 100 skill levels.

Architect (Silver - Level 3)

Build a total of 5.000 building levels!

Band of Brothers (Silver - Level 3)

Have 8 paladins.

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Wealth comes in gold (Silver - Level 3)

Mint 5.000 gold coins.

Continent scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 30 of a continent!

Gatherer (Bronze - Level 2)

Scavenge a total of 10.000 resources.

Market Guru (Bronze - Level 2)

Trade resources using the market 100 times.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Top scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 100 in the world.

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 9)

Play Tribal Wars for 9 years.

Barricade Battle: Did you find him yet?

Lead the daily ranking at the end of the event day.

Barricade Battle: Predator (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 180.000 enemy units in the Barricade Battle.

Barricade Battle: Detective (Silver - Level 3)

Clear 75% of the stages.

Card Master (Gold - Level 4)

Awarded for winning 80 rounds.

The Strategist (Gold - Level 4)

Awarded for performing 30 double changes.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 40 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Silver - Level 3)

Explore 3 different islands.

Tribal Wars Wizardry: Hat experimenter

Acquire one of the mysterious hats from the Wizard or other players.

Achievements on other worlds
World 61

World 57

World 34

World 49

World 50

World 51

World 54

World 55

World 66

Casual 8

World 53

Casual 9

World 52

World 56

World 59

World 60

World 68

World 71

World 58

World 62

World 64