Map Ranking

Mysore Mango

Mysore Mango
Opponents defeated: 10.059.178 (37.)
Tribe: 300

Villages (220) Coordinates Points
[003] Glades Chicken Farms
536|466 10.533
[006] Glades Trail
536|465 10.830
[008] Glades Peak
548|441 10.814
[010] Glades Clay Factory
550|441 10.216
[011] Glades Zoo
552|452 10.971
[013] Glades Casting Couch
555|446 10.559
[016] Glades Clay Pit
549|441 10.213
[019] Glades Theatre
551|453 10.549
[022] Glades Alehouse
552|451 10.467
[B005] The Castles
552|449 10.551
[B010] The Glades
551|441 9.686
[B011] The Shark
554|446 10.420
001 Parashurama Kshetram
521|494 10.971
563|443 9.261
002 Bandung
524|501 10.495
003 Mumbai
540|474 10.160
004 Ottawa
542|481 10.160
005 bfv
540|479 9.405
005 Munich
542|461 10.160
006 Abecasia
545|479 9.405
006 Kashi
540|462 10.160
007 Seoul
542|463 10.160
008 Beirut
542|466 10.160
009 Damascus
542|474 10.160
563|446 9.872
010 Savannah
540|473 10.160
562|443 9.261
561|447 9.443
011 Indore
548|480 10.160
563|452 9.398
012 Zurich
541|473 10.160
013 Sao Paulo
539|468 10.160
014 Oslo
545|469 10.149
015 Super Galaxy Cat
532|467 10.495
015 Valencia
522|454 10.160
561|442 9.398
016 Mangalapuram
539|470 10.160
017 Lusaka
547|480 10.160
018 Edinburgh
544|481 10.160
018 Super Galaxy Cat
534|467 10.495
019 Cork
542|482 10.160
020 Kyiv
540|471 10.160
020 Super Galaxy Cat
534|473 10.495
021 Shenzhen
541|445 10.152
021 Super Galaxy Cat
535|474 10.495
022 Pieces of Reflection
536|460 10.495
022 Punta Arenas
541|460 10.160
023 Reykjavik
537|455 10.160
024 Austin
539|459 10.149
025 Teetanwar
540|444 10.152
026 Jaipur
542|456 10.143
027 Bhopal
534|450 10.160
028 Kollam
536|446 10.146
029 Salem
539|478 10.636
030 Perth
534|471 10.160
031 Dakar
532|458 10.160
032 Hong Kong
528|453 10.144
033 Lahore
540|456 10.152
034 Davao
537|453 10.160
035 Nalanda
536|455 10.210
036 Godhra
538|458 10.143
037 Bharata
546|470 10.160
038 Trieste
539|466 10.160
039 Kobe
536|467 10.160
040 Juneau
539|444 10.155
041 Mariupol
560|466 9.747
529|451 10.036
042 Pieces of Reflection
534|461 10.495
043 Barbarian village
565|443 4.946
043 Busan
530|452 10.160
044 London
531|453 10.152
045 Cape Town
569|461 10.616
046 Kochi
561|450 10.160
047 Amsterdam
560|451 10.143
048 Chicago
561|451 10.152
049 Surat
559|450 10.146
050 Kashmir
558|450 10.152
050 Pieces of Reflection
535|476 10.495
051 Iraq
524|416 10.141
052 Iran
552|448 10.144
053 Jammu
549|446 10.160
054 Pakistan
549|448 10.031
055 Bengal
545|446 10.144
056 Japan
553|443 10.160
057 China
549|443 10.301
058 Spain
560|449 10.160
059 Philadelphia
560|447 10.636
060 Ireland
556|445 10.636
061 Indonesia
557|443 10.301
062 Singapore
557|441 10.503
063 Portugal
555|442 10.160
064 Manchester
562|442 10.143
065 Arabia
555|439 10.224
065 Pieces of Reflection
536|470 10.495
066 Eqypt
563|445 10.143
067 Ethiopia
528|415 10.139
068 Lebanon
565|442 10.160
068 Pieces of Reflection
530|468 10.495
069 Jordan
558|439 10.160
069 Pieces of Reflection
534|470 10.495
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