Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 13.573.346 (32.)
Tribe: OGs

Villages (126) Coordinates Points
009 How Can You Hate Puppies?
449|464 10.495
020 Not listening or something
456|443 9.122
021 Straight Jacket
449|468 10.287
022 The House Always Wins
449|466 10.622
027 Going on a Trip
451|462 9.825
028 Barking at a Butterfly
444|461 10.313
443|463 10.481
030 Theo is a Barkaholic
461|445 7.983
031 Eat Your Veggies
447|459 9.521
034 Pink Luggage
450|460 10.394
444|458 10.325
037 He's so Fluffy
443|459 10.035
040 Slovakian Sourdough Coleslaw
444|457 9.528
042 Wore Dodger Blue
450|464 10.495
442|463 10.478
442|462 10.199
442|461 10.243
052 Cents For Your Thoughts
460|443 6.732
053 She Pays My Bills
450|456 10.495
054 Sugar Moma
453|458 10.495
067 Old Joints Predict Weather
446|438 9.110
069 'Em
443|440 7.513
070 Its not you, it's me
468|456 11.517
071 Hit the Jackpot
440|442 6.201
072 The Best Lasagna
446|436 9.499
073 AI Generated Revenge Plot
439|444 7.002
075 Car Barkaholic
439|443 5.583
076 Tornado Warning
438|443 6.828
078 Can You Swing Em To and Fro
446|434 6.511
079 He's Just a Little Guy
438|440 3.489
080 Swing Sally High
443|435 3.494
081 Swing Sally Low
449|429 4.479
082 Theo Chased the Cat
436|437 1.724
083 Cramp in the Calf
437|436 3.240
084 Where Did My Achilles Go?
443|431 2.663
085 Needs a New ACL
442|429 3.270
089 To That Fake Doctor
448|426 4.624
100 Mostly Peaceful Protest
435|439 2.708
105 Where'd all the villages go?
446|425 1.316
110 Baby Rhinoceros
447|428 2.225
111 Dog Food in the Fridge
444|430 3.250
448|427 1.936
447|426 2.041
465|438 10.038
115 It's 5 AM and He is Barking
457|450 10.019
116 Those Are Mountain Goats
450|461 9.703
117 Little Einsteins
457|449 8.674
118 Where Did All the Res go?
457|451 9.712
119 And the Moment is Right
458|449 8.507
120 With Just my Aches and Pains
456|451 6.735
121 Third World Crap Hole
459|449 9.821
122 Fooled the Psychiatrist
457|453 6.736
123 When the Time Has Come
458|450 9.410
460|448 9.213
126 I Need a Pony
459|448 9.656
127 I Shook Sinatra's Hand
459|446 9.507
128 Real Camels Have Humps
458|445 6.558
129 From the Mouths of Babes
460|450 9.585
457|456 9.490
131 Who still farms?
461|450 9.843
132 King Solomon the Wise
462|451 9.490
133 Peanut Butter Banana
461|451 7.791
134 I'm the Great Power
463|448 10.762
135 Barking at a Butterfly
462|448 9.023
136 Barking at a Leaf
460|445 9.377
137 A Boy and His Cat
459|455 9.559
138 Never Heard of Him
458|455 9.957
458|456 10.000
140 Buttery Toast
459|457 9.846
141 Soft Fury Belly
454|453 8.034
142 Free Moustache Rides
459|456 10.019
460|458 9.031
144 You Hurt Your What?
459|459 10.000
460|462 9.698
146 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
455|457 9.968
147 The Tick Bites Hard
461|459 9.490
456|458 9.293
149 A Shriveled PP Account
462|459 8.945
150 Roses and Amber
456|462 9.022
151 Theo has a fury belly
455|453 7.105
152 Is my age
446|445 8.489
153 You Stink
462|461 9.701
154 Unfiltered Camels
445|453 9.814
155 Top Golf Safety Netting
458|460 9.205
156 Oatmeal and Aloe
463|462 10.019
157 Vanilla Pineapple
461|463 9.962
158 Take a shower
454|458 10.011
159 I Smell Onions
457|470 10.002
161 Nasty Diarrhea
454|473 9.701
162 Freeloader
476|471 9.854
163 Booby Trapped Toilet
473|468 10.019
165 On a Magic Rocket Ship
453|457 9.156
166 The Big House
478|470 9.319
167 Rhonda and James
477|471 9.347
168 Sterile Multipurpose Solutio
449|462 10.362
169 Five Masked Russians
451|465 10.330
170 Customized Volkswagen
459|447 9.212
171 First
449|465 10.479
172 You Hate Puppies
446|461 10.311
173 Ride a Horse, Save a Cowboy
450|467 10.055
Display all leftover 26 villages
Personal picture
Personal text
Just an old guy playing TW.

*IF I'm attacking you and you're thinking who the heck is this guy it's for the Warlord Award*

Back after playing server 1 & 2. Haven't been back since the good old days.

Had to change my village names. Look man, if you can't handle me naming a village IN YOUR HONOR, get the heck outta here with your soft feelings and go cry to your mom. She's upstairs anyway, get out of the basement for a while and go see her.

You bring a valid point up with Inno Games and they just don't answer playing the avoid and it will go away game. Especially when you call out their moderator's BS who is just trying to help his buddy feel better who just got owned.

Achievements on other worlds
World 72