Map Ranking

Xtreme Brothers

Tribe name:Xtreme Brothers
Number of members:8
Points of the best 11 players748.510
Total points:748.510
Average points:93.564
Opponents defeated: 12.530.008 (13.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
rcee03 1 384,599 42 48
Ceidwynn 2 154,676 53 40
FatherRIPs 3 105,900 57 17
darkman 4 48,371 66 16
Furious Dragon2 5 21,053 80 7
jessijay 6 15,417 85 8
LaurenJR 7 12,701 90 6
CloudLycan 8 5,793 104 2
XB was founded by darkman. If you have questions please contact darkman.

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